How to Find Purpose In the Waiting

How to Find Purpose In the Waiting

Grab your latte & let's chat purpose.     Listen In On Spotify | Pocket Casts | Anchor | Apple Podcasts season 2, Episode 4 How to Find Purpose In the Waiting Have you ever found yourself STUCK in a waiting season? Maybe it's lasting forever or maybe...

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Perfection: A Purpose Preventer

Perfection: A Purpose Preventer

I struggle with imperfect. Perfection is something I’ve ALWAYS tried to attain. And I can’t do it. I overthink about what is wrong with my heart that I can’t perfectlymove forward. And then I panic because I know that not being able to MOVE FORWARD inhibits on my ability to continuing pursuing God’s purposes for me. But God doesn’t’ call me to be perfect or to perfectlymove forward but to move forward in grace, which I DAILY need. 

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Stepping Out Into Purpose

Stepping Out Into Purpose

The more you STEP OUT in faith, the more you get to go see the Lord work in ways you wouldn’t have before.
We see Peter and the apostles healing people and moving in boldness through the Spirit.
They allowed faith to shape them and they moved in it — holding. nothing. back.
THAT is when they saw incredible things take place and even saw their own lives being used to make those things happen.

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So, I’m Addicted to Social Media

So, I’m Addicted to Social Media

As the 46 days went on I realized — oh my gosh, how awful my addiction was. The first few days, I would click on the app (which I still had for work) every x amount of minutes even though I had just gone to click on it x amount of minutes ago… only to find myself not on my account realizing I wasn’t supposed to be on it in the first place. I realized how much free time, down time, gaps in my productivity or split seconds I had in transitioning between activities I spent going to IT. 
Soon, I found myself living in the moment rather than living on Instagram while eating with friends or posing WAY LESS for every possible photo in front of a cool wall — and I also found myself way more uncomfortable in front of a camera without filtering it for the ‘gram.

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Unveiling She Lives Purposefully

Unveiling She Lives Purposefully

The amount of feedback I received of touched hearts, teary eyes, and actual life changes that took place because of the stories told was so encouraging, so months ago I decided, with a lot of pushes from people around me, that She Lives Purposefully was something that needed to continue.
It’s taken months of work, fears, doubts, hopes, dreams, goals, plans, and brainstorming, but FINALLY I’m ready to unleash piece by piece — mostly because I don’t have it all — what I hope She Lives Purposefully becomes.

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