Valentine’s Daily Grace Co Gift Guide

Valentine’s Day gifts are a sweet way to show your spouse you’re thinking of them. Here are some of my Daily Grace Co. favorites for your marriage or relationship. (SOME of these links are affiliate links meaning I make commission on them). marriage conversation cards...

Mini Devo Romans 16

Often we can read the Bible like these vague stories but here are a list of specific people – men and women – that Paul wants to greet.  Just like you and I, this letter was written by and received by real people in the church, the body of Christ – real sinners saved...

Mini Devo Romans 15:22-33

I love these details we get in letters like these, and here’s one big reason why: Even Paul was unsure his plans and was redirected. He was unsure how he’d be received in Jerusalem and Judea. He had plans to go to Spain and HOPED to see the romans, but wasn’t sure...

Romans 15:14-21

Honestly – this hit me. “For I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me.” May we not boast in things we did in our own strength. Let’s allow God to move in us and let what HE is doing be what we boast...

Mini Devo Romans 15:8-13

Can I pray this same prayer we read in this passage over you right now? God, I pray that You, the God of hope would FILL this community will ALL JOY and PEACE in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit they may ABOUND in HOPE.