How to break free from sin (S. 2, Ep. 22)

How to break free from sin (S. 2, Ep. 22)

Grab your latte & let's chat purpose.     Listen In On Spotify | Pocket Casts | Anchor | Apple Podcasts Season 2, Episode 22 How to break free from sinIf you’ve ever felt like you are just stuck in sin, maybe it’s an addiction you can’t get free from or...

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5 Ways to Find Community

5 Ways to Find Community

COMMUNITY. It’s been the topic of our insta all week long. We’ve blogged about it, posted about it and then we threw out an instagram poll.
We LOVE your vulnerability and raw responses, but we noticed something MAJOR. Most of our poll takers said they don’t feel like they have a SOLID community.
We believe that there is such purpose in community and that a solid community can help build and encourage us in our purposes, so Becca and I collaborated on some of our thoughts on just how to bring about and foster community.

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Embracing Your Community

Embracing Your Community

I used to think that the only way I could find my purpose in life was if I figured it out all by myself.
Don’t get me wrong, some of that needs to be hashed out personally between Jesus and I, but I’ve come to the beautiful realization that He created us for community.
I’ve found way more purpose than I ever would have imagined in these past months just because of who I decided to surround myself with: passionate Jesus followers who live a life defined by the purposes and GOOD things He has for us by being aware of its personal and corporate effects.
A life without community is simply not how God intended us to live.

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Purpose In The Waiting

Purpose In The Waiting

Sometimes He places us in waiting periods for a divine purpose, and these waiting periods and closed doors are absolutely, completely necessary — whether it’s just an issue of timing or even protection from something we wanted that isn’t actually good for us or something else. He’s shown me that in the waiting and behind the scenes, He is at work accomplishing His purposes. I need to believe when He prevents things from happening in my life it’s for my good because He loves me and is saving me for something better.

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Nothing By Chance

Nothing By Chance

Who you are is not an accident. Who you are by birth, experience, upbringing, training etc. is not an accident. 
A few months ago, I heard David Guzik teach on purpose, and he spoke words similar to those. 
These words are HUGE in relation to purpose. Who you are – YOU – does not just have this very general purpose that is insignificant. You are not insignificant. The details about you are not coincidental. YOU and the things about you are, in fact, very intentional. 
You and those things were creatively created and exist for a reason.

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Perfection: A Purpose Preventer

Perfection: A Purpose Preventer

I struggle with imperfect. Perfection is something I’ve ALWAYS tried to attain. And I can’t do it. I overthink about what is wrong with my heart that I can’t perfectlymove forward. And then I panic because I know that not being able to MOVE FORWARD inhibits on my ability to continuing pursuing God’s purposes for me. But God doesn’t’ call me to be perfect or to perfectlymove forward but to move forward in grace, which I DAILY need. 

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God Wants Us To Have Joy

God Wants Us To Have Joy

When life is good, when life is hard, when doubts and negative, anxious thoughts and condemnation come flooding through, we can have joy because despite our circumstances and despite our minds and our hearts, the TRUTH and REALITY and FACTS of WHO HE IS and WHAT HE DOES can bring us joy.

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