God doesn’t NEED Esther. Mordecai even states that if she doesn’t speak up, she won’t be spared and that there will be deliverance for the Jews if it’s not her.
He shifts the perspective to note that maybe she is in the very position she’s in at this time is for a reason. He calls her to use her position for God’s people – regardless of the consequence.
We must choose whether or not we will be used by Him and for Him, wherever we may be. God doesn’t NEED us, He wants us. His will prevails whether we choose obedience or not, but He wants to involve us as He does His will on earth.
Mordecai shift’s the perspective from Esther’s tunnel vision worry and desire of self-preservation to a God-sized purpose.
God’s plans will always prevail, but will we choose to be a part of that? Will we allow him to use us for HIS purposes? Will we choose to let Him use us how He will in the place we’re at and in the time we’re at? We all are in a place at this time for a reason.