Grab your latte & let’s chat purpose.




season 2, Episode 13

Why Can’t I

Hear God?

Jump into today’s podcast about a topic that blew up in Instagram: Why Can’t I Hear God.
This episode is for the girl who can’t seem to hear God whether it’s in a decision she needs to make, in her devotional time or at all.
I unpack 4 possible reasons you’re struggling to hear from God and how to fix it.


SO why can’t I hear God?


1. Am I giving Him enough time? In the last episode I said something like this: In a world of constant phone notifications, hustle culture, multi tasking and busy lives (and believe me, now more than ever I’m guilty of getting easily consumed by this) I wonder how our walks with God would transform if we dedicated more time to talk to God. More UNINTERRUPTED time. God can do a LOT with just a few minutes. Imagine if we only gave our very best friend or family member or significant other a few minutes of our day and those days were filled with only talking about our own problems and then checking our phone. How good of a relationship would we have with that person? No relationship at all. The same idea applies here. We often think we can get away with growing spiritually and knowing Jesus super well while dedicating only 5, 10 or 15 interrupted, self focused minutes with Him each day. If we want to hear from Him, know Him more and grow in our relationship with Him – it’s never Him who is lacking in desire or ability. He is able and ready and wanting to have a relationship with us, talk to us, hear from us. Essentially, Scripture calls us to pray without ceasing, to read His Word day and night, to actively think on the things of God and so on. How much TIME am I giving God – to both seek Him and for Him to speak to me?

2. Is there sin in the way? As humans we will never be without sin. PRAISE THE LORD, by the grace of God if we accept Jesus as our Savior, His blood washes over that and He makes us new and we actually are free to NOT sin and we should put sin to death and God sees us in the blood of His son – as pure. BUT again, we will never be perfect on this side of heaven. We see it very practically literally every day of our lives and the lives of other Christians. This does not disqualify us from hearing God HOWEVER when we have long term unrepented from sin in our lives, it can create a barrier there. God is gracious beyond compare and ever wanting to speak with us but our continued, unrepented of sin speaks volumes. It says that we would prefer that over Him. Period point blank. After much conviction, we’re still going in that direction. And God did not make robots, so He will not FORCE us to obey but that also means that if we’re not stepping into living in the Spirit, we don’t get to reap those benefits fully. YES we can be saved but we need to be WALKING actively with God to reap the full benefits of that relationship – just. Like any relationship. 

3. Do I actually want to hear Him?

This is a tricky one. A thought that has been developing more and more over time as I watch SO many who decide they want to do things there way despite Biblical teachings wonder why they can’t hear God or they feel far. This question is something I have had to ask myself and I think it’s one we all need to ask. If God spoke to me, do I actually want to hear what He’s saying? COULD IT BE that He is speaking to you? Convicting you, leading you into the hard and narrow path of life, wanting to free you from sin and fear and maybe just maybe you would rather hold onto the sin, live on the easier wider path and hold onto fear because it feels like control? Do I ACTUALLY want to hear what God wants to say to me? Am I refusing to listen? In any area of my life?

4. Lastly something very simple and this is more for the girl wanting God’s directions to make decisions – while the other three still could apply there VERY well could be a chance that God is letting you choose between two or three or however many good things. Sometimes God leads us to the perfect college or job, but sometimes He lets us decide! Sometimes we are free to step into paths as long as they are still walking in His ways that He speaks to us through Scripture. 

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    Meet Your Hostess, Meg!

    My name is Megan, and, first things first, thanks for being a part of this community!

    My hope for this podcast is to chat about what living purposefully looks like. I’m a verbal processor & can chat up a storm when it comes to all things Jesus, hot topics & advice.

    PLUS, people say they love the sound of my voice, but, hey, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. 


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