Grab your latte & let’s chat purpose.




season 2, Episode 11

My Morning Routine For a Better Spiritual Day 

On today’s episode we are talking about my newer morning routine but not just any morning routine — this morning routine is one I LOVE to help me start my day SPIRITUALLY. 

I have been learning over the years more and more that how we start our day CAN have a huge impact on the rest of our day – 

if we start the day rushed and running late and don’t get our coffee chances our we will continue the day feeling behind or at least frustrated and catching up or exhausted by the end


I have been wanting to start my days better because I want to optimize my days to be the best they can be allowing me to feel motivated and refreshed and mentally organized and more importantly the most used by Jesus they can be open to whoever he would have me talk to or whatever it may be


I’ve always been an early riser so I do AIM to wake up between 5 and 6, I have to be honest it is USUALLY 5:45 or 6 AM. 

It takes me a MINUTE to feel like I can even imagine the idea of waking up but once I do I am pretty awake from that point on. 

I usually will wake up let’s say 5:45; get out of bed; USUALLY make my bed (it’s a newer thing I never used to do), workout a bit. I then go and wash my face with my very simple skin care routine that involves washing and moisturizing and that’s IT.  

I then go and put my makeup on and fix my hair, usually a super simple makeup routine just the basics of a full face. Tinted moisturizer, bronzer, blush, eye brow pencil and mascara! 

OKAY so my favorite parts of my routine are that I do that mini workout in the AM and thennnnn

I will then after my makeup and hair, I’ll read my Bible with a notebook and pen. Setting aside my phone and everything else to spend time with Jesus. Then if I am going to work, I will either listen to strictly worship OR spend the whole carride praying – praising Jesus then praying for others than praying for opportunities for the day and then praying for myself. 

If I a working from home I will also go on a walk usually try to go on a walk in the morning which has been an UNBELIEVABLE shift to my day helping me feel motivated and joyful. It’s wild what a good 1-2 mile walk can do!

Coffee or tea is usually involved in the day somehow and then drinking water has been a must.

but some key parts to my routine are these

  1. Bible reading, prayer and worship – setting my heart on Jesus, taking my mind off the cares fo this world, and helping me focus on pleasing Him and seeing what He has for me that day
  2. Working out – even if it’s a SMIDGE it helps me feel like I’ve accomplished something and gets my body moving, especially if it’s a walk
  3. Giving myself time to get all of this done is huge because If I miss any of these things I feel like I am falling behind in my day! 


I hope this is encouraging or helpful. It’s definitely not a perfect morning routine but it is one im working on to start my day and help my days be more purposeful and purpose minded! 

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Meet Your Hostess, Meg!

My name is Megan, and, first things first, thanks for being a part of this community!

My hope for this podcast is to chat about what living purposefully looks like. I’m a verbal processor & can chat up a storm when it comes to all things Jesus, hot topics & advice.

PLUS, people say they love the sound of my voice, but, hey, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. 


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