Grab your latte & let’s chat purpose.




Episode 5

Let’s Chat: Standing Firm in Your Faith In College

College is known to be the time to spread your wings and expand your horizons.
It’s also a time that infamously worries the church and often parents and friends for its off-to-college members. But why? Because it also rushes in a way of new experiences and choices and acts and ideas – many of which are not pleasing to the Lord.
My friend Julia and I chat about college, why it’s not an excuse to do what you want, why following Jesus with your whole heart and with your actions in college is not restraining but freeing, how to stand firm in your faith in this time and the MAJOR gift of grace that God bestows on us if (and when) we disobey.

So why stand firm in college?



Like I said above, college is often seen as the time where it’s ok to do what you want, but, friends, Jesus didn’t say, like not once, “Obey me, except in college.”


But why the restriction of obedience?


For one, it’s important to look at the way God calls us to live NOT as a restriction but a freedom. I am free to tap into the abundance of things God has for me during this time – how I can make an impact, how I can show people God’s love, how I can be part of God’s plans for not just myself but others and the world.


And then, two, of course, is consequences. Satan loves to tempt us to sin, but he’s surely not disappointed with inevitable consequences.


Depending on your choices, consequences can be small or big or seemingly nothing at all, but friend I URGE you to know that the one who is AGAINST us tempts us and then brings in an overwhelming guilt and shame afterwards.


But while guilt, shame and consequence are REAL – a message to my sweet and loved-by-God-and-me friends that have maybe regretted choices they’ve made and maybe feel that shame and guilt, in whatever that looks like (because we all have and will make choices we regret) condemnation is NOT of God. Conviction is, but condemnation is not. Friend, like I said, Satan loves to have us sin and then loves to torture us with shame after. BUT GOD, oh that sweet phrase, but God. God is ready and eager to have us come and repent and for His grace to abound and for us to choose to walk with Him, all forgiven and redeemed. 


So how do we stand firm in college? Here are some quick tips: 


1. Know that temptation is real. Don’t go in naive, friend. You can be sure you’ll walk whole-heartedly with Jesus but temptation is REAL and it comes for everyone. 


2. Make proactive choices. For example, choose to say no to the party so you don’t have to make the harder choice of yes or no to the more consequensential choices you may make there. 

3. Get involved – choose your friends, communities and activities wisely! Get involved with solid friends and communities on campus that align with your goals and beliefs. 

4. Know that walking with Jesus in college and beyond is not a restriction, it’s a freedom. It’s not what would God have me not do – althouggh that is a real question and answer we need to acknowledge – it’s what would God have me do INSTEAD? What could my purpose in each class, day, semester in college be?



XO, Meg 


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Meet Your Hostess, Meg!

My name is Megan, and, first things first, thanks for being a part of this community!

My hope for this podcast is to chat about what living purposefully looks like. I’m a verbal processor & can chat up a storm when it comes to all things Jesus, hot topics & advice.

PLUS, people say they love the sound of my voice, but, hey, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. 


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