part 2
What is purpose?
What is purpose? What is living purposefully?
One verse I LOVE that speaks to what purpose is Ephesians 2:10.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
1. We are His workmanship – God created us. That means He created like a carpenter makes one of his creations: hard work, care, detail, etc. We’re not number one of countless billions of the same person, without differentiation or made without care. He created me and you SPECIFICALLY.

2. Created in Christ Jesus for good works – We were created FOR SOMETHING. This is a purpose. We were created for good works. Not for our own pleasures, not for success, not for recognition, not for wealth, not for influence, not for leisure. We were created, in Christ Jesus, for good works
3. Good works… God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them – God prepared our purpose, the good works, before they came for us to act upon. He PREPARED those good works specifically for us to walk in, to step into, to act upon. This is our purpose. There are good works that God has prepared for us to do in this life. The question is, will we do them? Will we step into those good works? Whatever they look like. Stepping into those good works – the specific ones God has prepared for us to take – will take us into the things that we imagine as our “purpose.” They will take us to the people we’re supposed to connect with, opportunities, jobs etc. But it’s important to make the distinction between acting upon our purpose – good works GOD HAS FOR US – and what our purpose leads us to. For example, owning a successful business is not someone’s purpose, BUT the good works they stepped into and the way they glorify the Lord that got them there AND the good works and glorification of the Lord they do with that business are. This means that YES, their successful business may be something the Lord has planned for their life – but their life goal, their life purpose is not about them having this business – it is about them glorifying the Lord in that specific way He has called them.

We’ll dive in deeper in part 3 of What Is Purpose about what those good works look like. But for now, cling to the truth that
1) You are His workmanship
2) He created you for good works
3) He prepared a life and good works for you to step into before you were even born.