a life altering necessity

Embracing All God Has For You

God is a promise maker, not a promise breaker.

Promises are so easily broken. Even the most intentional, legally-binding, or emotionally-invested promises get broken. 

This is why when I read a promise that God makes to me, I sometimes tend to not accept it fully. I find myself thinking that there has to be ifs, buts and loopholes.

But God is a promise maker, and a promise keeper.

What are some of His promises?


A lot of promises are like gifts: we have to accept them to really have them impact our lives.

Someone can promise to protect us, but if we don’t believe them, we can spend our lives, even by their side, filled with fear and on guard.

They promised, but if we don’t embrace or believe their promise, we’ll go through life without peace, fearful, anxious and on guard. It’s almost as if, from our perspective, we don’t have the promise at all.

I found that I easily walk through life half-heartedly believing some of these promises and the many other promises GOD promises us.

But God makes PROMISES, covenants, assurances, and He does not break them.

God makes promises, but if I don’t embrace them and claim them, it’s almost as if I don’t receive it, even though He PROMISED.

We may have reason to doubt people’s promises, but God does not break His promises. He’s the most faithful promise-maker.

And God’s promises are life-altering. 

Honestly, I’ve personally found it NECESSARY to claim these promises in order to pull through trials and fully enjoy good times.

Those promises are there to be claimed. Let’s claim them.



