purpose: doing verses being

Why Being Still Is Key to Purpose 

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life I forget to take a much needed deep breath.

I find that my days are often full of to-do lists, friends to meet up with, places to serve in, and school work that keeps me occupied.

A lot of times I think this is what purpose is supposed to look like:

doing a hundred and one things and making a difference and impacting the world slowly but surely, even in the tiniest of ways.

Take a moment and think about that though.

Doesn’t that seem daunting? Going and going and not even taking the time to recover, to quiet my soul?

I think often we (myself included) believe we aren’t living purposefully if we aren’t actively serving or accomplishing things each day of the week.

But here’s the thing –

How can we expect to live purposefully if we aren’t purposefully finding and setting aside time to sit at the feet of Jesus?

Remember the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10.

Jesus had come to the sister’s house for dinner, and what is the first thing we take notice to in this passage?

Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be done to even make the dinner a success (in her mind).

How often do we go about life busy with the doing that we forget about the opportunities to listen and learn by being?

Mary, on the other hand, even with all the busyness in the house, chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and be with Him.

To listen to Him. To learn from Him. To cast her eyes on His face.

Purpose can be found when we make a decision to be still and quiet ourselves.

When we sit at the feet of Jesus and just abide there.

Not preoccupied by the things we have to do but occupied by being filled with His love & peace.

It’s in this place that we can find freedom, that we can be renewed and that we can be strengthened to go about His business.

He’s there. He’s there waiting for us to come and abide.

I think He actually aches for that. He wants us so badly to stop and come away with Him.

So today, I can’t enter fully into what He would have until I quiet my soul because it’s in these moments where I find purpose.

Purpose to enter into His presence. Purpose to grow. Purpose to be still. Purpose to learn. Purpose to love. And purpose to be.

I don’t know about you, but seeing life through this lens, I know I can better serve Him when I’ve spent the time with Him.

Not relying on my own strength but His to accomplish what He has for me in the day by day.

Take a break with Him.

Let’s pursue this being mentality together, friends. I think we’ll all be encouraged and find more purpose than we ever imagined.

