a spirit-filled purpose mindset

Stepping Out Into Purpose

Let’s talk about stepping out into a purpose-filled life. 

A couple of nights ago at a girls’ Bible study, we were in Acts 5 and we saw some wild stories take place. 

The chapter goes from a couple who died for lying to the Holy Spirit to powerful and miraculous healings and totally evident Holy Spirit power MOVING. 

These are real accounts of history. 

And in knowing they’re real, they’re also extremely inspiring. 

The more you STEP OUT in faith, the more you get to go see the Lord work in ways you wouldn’t have before.

We see Peter and the apostles healing people and moving in boldness through the Spirit. 

They allowed faith to shape them and they moved in it — holding. nothing. back. 

THAT is when they saw incredible things take place and even saw their own lives being used to make those things happen. 

If they hadn’t been open to being used, HOWEVER, they wouldn’t have been bold enough or had enough power within them to heal and cast out demons. More relatable for most of the western world, they wouldn’t have been bold enough or had enough power to rebuke liars and stand boldly for truth against the days leaders and culture. 

In Acts, we see apostles heal and be bold and see people healed and saved.

These apostles stepped out in faith and saw and experienced things they never would have experienced living complacent and comfortable lives.

If I don’t move out of my comfortability, I’ll only see comfortable things. It just makes sense. 

I know I LONG for an impactful life. I have ONE life to give Jesus. One life to make an eternal impact. One life to bring Him glory. 

BUT how often am I open to STEP OUT in faith to see God use me rather than see how He uses me in my little bubble?

I’m a firm believer in the fact that He uses what we give Him for His glory. In fact, He uses ALL things for his glory. 

But how much could we see His Spirit move in our lives — the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead — if we were FULLY open and submissive to Him.

Being good isn’t sufficient for me, but to be fully open to being used for Him and by Him is so exciting. 

How much more can He use me?

Let’s be open and see our purposes unleashed. 


